Sunday, January 26, 2020

Confidence Building Measures India And Pakistan

Confidence Building Measures India And Pakistan Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) are those steps or agreements on which states agree with mutual benefits in mind, and have faith that all concerned shall obey such agreements. These steps or agreements ultimately develop trust between the signatory states and help in achieving peace and stability in the region.  [1]  Limiting or reducing the level of fear among parties in conflict is essential for building confidence. CBMs aim to lessen anxiety and suspicion by making the parties behaviour more predictable. While a single CBM is unlikely to prevent conflict or contribute to peace building, a series of such agreements can allow for an increased sense of security. In time, such measures may even lead to changed understanding of a countrys security needs.  [2]   Confidence-building has been in vogue and practice for several decades. Its origin can be traced back to the years prior to World War I, to the European practice of inviting observers from different states to witness military exercises and manoeuvres. This practice continued and later emerged as part of the Versailles Treaty for Demilitarisation of the Rhineland.  [3]   CBMs are a worldwide phenomena and their development is more advanced in some regions as compared to others. CBMs are extremely important in the context of the countries, which are suspicious of each other. The United Nations Comprehensive Study on CBMs states that the final objective of CBMs is to strengthen international peace and security and to contribute to the development of confidence, better understanding and more stable relations between nations, thereby creating and improving the conditions for fruitful international cooperation.  [4]   Confidence-building is not a new phenomenon between India and Pakistan. Since the hurried departure of the British from South Asia and the partition, both India and Pakistan have signed many agreements aiming to generate confidence and reduce tensions. Perhaps the most notable among them are, Liaquat-Nehru Pact (1951), Indus Water Treaty (1960), Tashkent Agreement (1966), Rann of Kutch Agreement (1969), Shimla Accord (1972), Salal Dam Agreement (1978), and the establishment of the Joint Commission. With the exception of the Joint Commission, all the others were the products of either a crisis or a war that necessitated a logical end to the preceding developments.  [5]   AIM The aim of this paper is to analyse the performance of CBMs between India and Pakistan and suggest some workable and plausible CBMs that could be experimented by the two countries. CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES: CONCEPT AND GENESIS Traditional Concept. The traditional concept of CBMs is reflected in the oft-cited definition by Holst and Melander, which states, confidence-building involves the communication of credible evidence of the absence of feared threats by reducing uncertainties and by constraining opportunities for exerting pressure through military activities.  [6]  In a subsequent refinement, Holst described CBMs as arrangements designed to enhance such assurance of mind and belief in the trust worthiness of states and the fact they create.  [7]  Whilst the first definition emphasised only on the need for clarifications of intentions and avoidance of misperceptions, the latter ventures into the realm of the larger appreciation of the constituent of CBMs and envisages them not merely as damage containment measures, but also as principles of healthy relations between states. Genesis. CBMs are essentially a western construct, which entered the realm of international relations in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), at Helsinki. The Helsinki Final Act, 1975 ascribed three basics objectives to the CBMs  [8]  :- To eliminate the causes of tensions. To promote confidence and contribute to stability and security. To reduce the danger of armed conflict arising from misunderstanding or miscalculation. Dictionary of CBMs. Browsing through literature on the development of the concept of CBM, one comes across numerous other related concepts. It is important to understand the meaning of several terms that have come to be used in the diplomatic lexicon, all loosely referred to as CBMs. Their definition and comparative analysis are beyond the scope of this paper. Some of these  [9]  are enumerated below:- Confidence-Building Measures. Conflict-Avoidance Measures. Trust-Building Measures. Conflict-Resolution Measures Confidence and Security Building Measures and Confidence-Building and Security Measures. (f) Tension-Reduction Measures. Steps to Confidence-Building. Despite the upsurge in interest in these terms, there is a considerable confusion about the confidence-building regime, as also, the steps required to achieve it. Each region has its unique peculiarities and, therefore, distinct CBMs. The borrowed experience of other regions is of only a limited value. The steps to military confidence-building are based on two parameters; level of confidence and probability of conflict.  [10]  Diagrammatic representation of the same is placed at Appendix P. CBM Tools. These are modes and means, which help in better communication arrangements and transparency to the action of others or provide ways of giving satisfaction about the action of other states. Communication, constraint, transparency, and verification measures are the primary CBM tools. Few effective CBM tools  [11]  , used the world over, are listed in Appendix A. INDO-PAK CBMs Paradoxes in Pursuing the CBM Modality. Certain unresolved paradoxes, concerning the applicability and viability of CBMs, identified in South Asian region  [12]  are listed below:- CBMs provide the atmospherics for improving inter-state relations. They can establish trust between adversarial states; but the paradox remains that trust is required before CBMs can be negotiated. The need for some limited confidence between adversarial states is, therefore, essential before CBMs can be negotiated. CBMs are difficult to establish, but easy to disrupt and abandon. Continued adherence to them requires adversarial states to perceive the balance of advantage to lie in not abrogating them, particularly during periods of deep crises. CBMs can only be relevant in crises if trust is evident on both sides. They are known to work satisfactorily in times of peace. Hence, the paradox that states may abide by CBMs in normal times, but ignore them in emergency situations. Public declarations can serve as useful CBMs to alleviate tensions and promote stability. The historical record shows that national leaders in India and Pakistan routinely make conciliatory statements, but they are meant either for domestic consumption or to impress international audiences or to lower the others guard. The paradox then emerges, rather than promote security and confidence-building, such declarations have often exacerbated existing regional tensions. Origin of CBMs in Indo-Pak Relations. Meaningful military CBMs in Indo-Pak relations came three decades ago with the establishment of a hotline between the Director General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of both the countries. Subsequently, there have been many military CBMs between both the countries. However, the strategic community and the military were quite often skeptical of both the substance and the process of CBMs and did not support these initially. It was only when Operation Brasstacks in 1986-87 led to serious misunderstandings, and a likely possibility of possible conflict again in 1990, that matters changed somewhat.  [13]   Despite events precipitating increased tensions between the two countries, the effort on the part of both governments has been to ensure that the CBMs continue to remain in place. However, the impressive range of CBMs, both of a military and non-military nature, have been overtaken by events such as the Kargil conflict, the mobilisation of troops in 2002 and the repeated terrorist attacks in India, especially the 26/11 attacks. Major Achievements The CBMs enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs, may be considered as major achievements in the Indo-Pak relations over the last two decades.  [14]   Military CBMs. Agreement on the Prohibition of Attack against Nuclear Installations and Facilities, signed in 1998, and eventually ratified in 1992. This particular exchange has continued for 18 consecutive years. Agreement on Advance Notification on Military Exercises, Manoeuvres and Troop Movements, brought into effect in 1991 and has had an important role to play in the reduction of tensions on both sides of the Line of Control. Agreement on Prevention of Airspace Violations and for Permitting Overflights and Landings by Military Aircrafts, signed in 1991, has significantly reduced costs for both nations, and also brought into being, a structure of redress in case of violations and mutual trust in matters of requirement. Formal ceasefire along the International Border as also the Actual Ground Position Line, brought into effect at midnight of 25 Nov 03, has remained in effect since. Biannual meetings between Indian Border Security Forces and Pakistani Rangers, has been in effect since 2004. Agreement on Advance Notification of Ballistic Missile Tests, in effect since 2005. Establishment of a communication link between Pakistan Maritime Security Agency and Indian Coast Guard in 2005, primarily to facilitate early exchange of information regarding fishermen apprehended for straying into each others waters. The agreement also brought into discussion the possibility of holding joint search and rescue operations and collaborating in marine pollution control. A hotline between DGMOs of both countries had been in effect since 1965, and was most recently used in an unscheduled exchange to discuss troop movements and allay tensions, in the aftermath of the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai. Non-Military CBMs. The predominant CBMs in the non-military domain have been travel measures to increase people-to-people interaction. A few of the important ones, which have more or less withstood the test of times, are enumerated below:- Delhi-Lahore bus service, started in 1999, but ceased in light of the Kargil conflict, was resumed in 2003. Passenger and freight rail services between Attari and Lahore and air linkages were resumed in 2004. The Samjhauta Express was resumed in 2005, and despite the 2007 blasts, has continued to run. Bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarbad was started in 2005. Bus services from Lahore to Amritsar, Amritsar to Nankana Sahib and train links between Munnabao and Khokhrapar were started in 2006. Night bus service between Ferozepur and Fazikla to Ludhiana-Chandigarh was also resumed the same year. The first overland truck route between the two countries was opened at the Wagah border crossing in 2007. In 2008, triple-entry permit for cross-LoC travel was introduced and the frequency of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service was increased from fortnightly to weekly. Humanitarian aid was extended by India, in the aftermath of the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, and again during the floods in Aug 10. A Joint Anti-Terrorism Institutional Mechanism to identify and implement counter-terrorism initiatives and investigations in both countries was brought into effect in 2006. An agreement facilitating regular contact between state-run think tanks, Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (New Delhi), and Institute of Strategic Studies (Islamabad) was brought into being in 2008, primarily to contribute towards building channels of communication at the level of scholars. The first meeting of a Joint Judicial Committee of judges belonging to both countries, meant to look into the welfare and release of prisoners, was conducted in 2008. More than 500 prisoners have been released by both sides since then. Joint Economic Commissions and Joint Business Councils were reactivated in 2004. Foreign Ministers of both countries agreed to a series of Kashmir-specific CBMs to facilitate crossing the LoC in 2008. Both countries agreed to host festivals displaying each others movies in 2006. The Pakistani Government allowed for the legal release of Indian films in Pakistan in 2008. Major Failures The CBM process has seen its fair share of failures as well. A few notable one are enumerated below  [15]  :- Although there are hotlines connecting both military and political leaders in both countries, they have been scarcely used when required most. The absence of communication has led to suspicions, followed by accusations of the spread of misinformation. While over 70 Kashmir related CBMs have been agreed to in principle, only an inconsiderable percentage of them have actually seen implementation. There is a disproportionate emphasis on military CBMs and an inadequate recognition of several momentous non-military CBMs. Many CBMs, which were originally crafted to address the stabilisation of relations, post the nuclear tests of 1998, have been agreed to in principle, yet have never seen implementation because of the belief that dominant issues need to be resolved before the CBM process can move ahead. In the current scenario, when political will in both states is waxing and waning intermittently, CBMs, which are difficult to establish, but easy to disrupt, have not been fully effective. There is a lack of verifiability in many CBMs, which leads both countries to fall victim to mistrust, suspicion and misinformation, on a variety of issues. Governments on both sides often use CBMs as political tools to win over specific constituencies, which can be very damaging in the long run. Public conciliatory statements, which are meant to be CBMs, can have the opposite effect, if they turn out to be insincere, and worse, if they have been inexpertly drafted, as one saw in the aftermath of the statement issued after the Sharm-el-Sheikh meeting. CBMs have been particularly ineffective, if not absent, during times of conflict, because despite declarations to the effect, neither country has moved beyond the point of conflict-avoidance, towards actual CBMs, and finally, towards strengthening peace. While many hundreds of thousands visit India and Pakistan from across the border, the visa formalities and reporting procedures for them are far from conducive to confidence-building. Prioritising the CBMs General. The existing record of CBMs, world over, is ambiguous. CBMs in some contexts have proved feasible and beneficial, whereas in South Asia, there is a certain disaffection with the very notion of CBMs. The expectation of quick results should be avoided (in Europe, it took over twenty years for the CBM process to become effective). A clear general rule is that once in place, CBMs must be abided by. CBMs, if disregarded and abused, can be worse than none at all. The building of trust requires reliability.  [16]  Certain concerns that need to be addressed by the Indian and Pakistani Governments, in order to maximise the effects of CBMs  [17]  , are listed below:- While CBMs, which focus on improved communication links and people-to-people interaction could create the necessary environment for deeper issues to be tackled, the impact of the CBMs still hinges on political will for their implementation. The hostilities distinguishing Indo-Pak relations are systemic, and further hampered by newer security threats, socio-politico-economic strife and Indias preponderance in the larger South Asian region. Therefore, there is no viable alternative to a gradual and incremental peace process through military and non-military CBMs. There is no need to prefer military over non-military CBMs. Both have their place in the peace process and are needed. Policymakers on both sides need to bear in mind that war, whether of a conventional or proxy nature, will not advance their national interests. Both sides stand to gain both, economically and politically from a stable peace. Future measures catering to conflict-prevention and confidence-building, must provide for more explicit means of arbitrating implementation problems. To this intent, it is imperative that all CBMs be made verifiable and the possible roles that could be played by non-state actors such as the private sector, professional and business organisations etc be examined. It is commonly understood that the term stakeholders would include Indians and Pakistanis in general, and the people of Jammu Kashmir in particular. However, there is a need for more emphasis on the importance of Kashmiris in the CBM process. It is their participation, which would make the process more meaningful. Suggested Workable and Plausible CBMs The escalating situation in Kashmir, the bone of contention between India and Pakistan since 1947, may yet provide a flash point and may induce both countries to come to a negotiating table and opt for quick implementation of enforceable and verifiable CBMs. Few possible, workable and enforceable CBMs, which the two governments could consider, are enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs. Short Term Measures. The composite dialogue process should be restarted and the CBM process must continue unabated. Both the sides should formally recognise that there is no military solution to the Kashmir dispute. Additional CBMs, in consultation with Kashmiri stakeholders, need to be identified to ensure their active participation. The Kashmir specific CBMs could include the following:- Encouraging and initiating intra-Kashmir dialogue on both sides of the LoC on the final status of Kashmir. The resolution of the Kashmir conflict and restoration and development of mutual trust should be treated as interdependent processes. The process of de-escalation of hostilities needs to be initiated and efforts should be made to de-link Kashmir from point-scoring domestic agendas. The hostile domestic propaganda around Kashmir in both electronic and print media needs to be stopped. Relocation of heavy weapons, which are considered a major cause of tension escalation across the LoC. Continuous scheduled and unscheduled visits to forward areas by journalists, representatives of various national and international human rights organisations, diplomats, defence and UN military observers. Visa formalities/registration should provide a more conducive environment in cross-border travel. Rules of engagement along the LOC should be clarified, made public, and adhered to. Measures in the border areas to facilitate the unification of families and access for NGOs. Medium Term Measures. The agreement proscribing attacks on each others nuclear facilities could be extended to identified populations and economic targets. The agreement requiring notification on military exercises et al could be extended to associating military observers with major field exercises. Pakistan should end support of any kind for militancy in the region and address Indias concerns regarding infiltration. Civil society and track II initiatives should be encouraged. This will assist the official level talks between the two countries and move towards a comprehensive resolution of the crisis in the region. Utilising the economic and technological CBMs such as:- Sharing of electrical power. Increasing the trade flows. Promoting railway freight traffic across the border. Improving telecommunication links. Making newspapers from both sides available across the border. Long Term Measures. The redeployment of troops from the Kashmir region has been debated by both governments and should be examined in full practicality. India should begin to engage Pakistani citizens towards sensitising them to the conflict situation and build domestic pressure on Pakistan to strengthen its relations with India. The dichotomy between the maintenance of Jammu Kashmirs independence via Article 370 of the Indian Constitution and the requirement to include the state in the mainstream of Indian politics and society needs to be addressed comprehensively. Utilise South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) for building confidence across the region on the lines of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). CONCLUSION CBMs are the most used and abused term in the 21st century international relations. They are an expression of respect, goodwill and a measure of transparency signifying at the least, no ill will and no immediate threat. It may lead to a pleasant parlay or, it may merely be an empty gesture meaning nothing at all of substance. They need to be nurtured and incremented from small steps to covering issues of various divergences. The effect of the CBMs between India and Pakistan has been inconsistent and spotty. They are useful instruments in preventing wars and facilitating conflict resolutions. They are a means to an end and that end cannot be achieved if the leaders do not wish to do so. The first step to a conflict resolution is removal of mistrust and suspicion. Only then, can the process of dialogue be unleashed. It is a hard task to popularise the concept of CBMs between the two countries and remove misunderstanding among people about its objectives and application. In order to institutionalise the process of CBMs, it is necessary to create basic awareness among people about the effectiveness and relevance of this concept. The role of institutions in promoting the concept of CBMs is very significant. In a situation when the state, has to a large extent played a role in conflict formations and is responsible for promoting confrontation, non-governmental institutions can play an important role and be of immense use in creating basic trust and confidence between the people of two countries and encourage track II and track III efforts in normalising the relations. We need to follow a proactive approach towards implementation of CBMs. A strong civil society with vibrant political and social institutions can help develop a proactive approach. SAARC can draw some inspiration from ASEANs constructively low-key approach to contentious issues. Balance between military and non-military CBMs is essential for creating conditions of peace. Non-military CBMs such as water, environment, trade, culture, media and technology can certainly make things easier for sustaining the dialogue process between the antagonistic parties. It would be foolish to expect miracles from CBMs overnight. It took a considerable amount of time for the CBMs to be effective in Europe. However, the need for India and Pakistan to negotiate CBMs is both immediate and vital. Structural factors are important and have undoubtedly retarded the establishment of CBMs in South Asia. Nevertheless, CBMs can become the harbingers of peace and stability in the region. History reveals they have usually been negotiated following serious bilateral crises and/or mounting of external pressures. However, not until the communal stronghold is attacked and reduced, and the two countries, therefore, start behaving as two established and responsible entities, would CBMs have much of a chance to succeed. Wellington (Hitesh Goel) Sep 10 Cdr Total number of words: 3723 Appendix A (Refers to Para 10) CONFIDENCE-BUILDING TOOLS Hotlines. Hotlines, such as those that exist between the United States and Russia, and between Indian and Pakistani sector commanders along the line-of-control in Kashmir, can provide reliable direct channels of communication at moments of crisis. Regional Communication Centres. These centres can assist area states in conflict and crisis management. The European model of a communications and security centre, established by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), is being adapted to suit the Middle Eastern security environment. Consultations. Regularly scheduled consultations, like the annual meetings established between US and Soviet/Russian navies by the 1972 Incidents at Sea Agreement (INCSEA), or those between Chiefs of Staff of the armed forces of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, can provide rare opportunity for direct military-to-military contact. Such forums allow parties to voice concerns and air any grievances they may have. Constraint Measures. These measures are designed to keep certain types and levels of states military forces at a distance from one another, especially along borders. Thin-Out Zones. Thin-out zones, or limited force deployment zones, restrict the type and number of military equipment or troops permitted in or near a certain territory or boundary. Detailed provisions of the 1975 Disengagement Agreement between Syria and Israel established a demilitarised zone (DMZ) as well as an area extending 20 kilometres on each side of the DMZ in which forces and weapons were limited. Pre-Notification. Pre-notification requirements included in the Stockholm Accord of 1986 placed constraints on military exercises by imposing longer lead times, 42 days for major military exercises and 1-2 years in the case of larger scale exercises, before activities subject to prior notification could occur. Pre-notification requirements of a certain time-period for planned military exercises or troop movements of an agreed upon level also help make a states military intent more transparent. Notification mechanisms can also be applied to missile tests. Near contentious borders, this type of transparency measure can help eliminate fears that an exercise may be part of preparations for war. Transparency Measures. They are measures that states engage in to foster greater openness of their military capabilities and activities. Transparency measures merit a special focus as important first steps in the confidence-building process. Exchange of Data. Data exchanges detailing existing military holdings, planned purchases, military personnel and budgets can clarify a states current and projected military capabilities and provide advance notice of destabilising arms build-ups. Data exchanges can take place bilaterally or multilaterally. Military Observers. Voluntary observations of another states military exercises provide first-hand access to that partys equipment and operating procedures. Verification. Verification measures are designed to collect data or provide first hand access in order to confirm or verify a states compliance with a particular treaty or agreement. Aerial Inspections. These enable parties to an agreement to monitor compliance with force deployment limitations in restricted zones, to confirm data exchanges on the disposition of military forces, and to provide early warning of potentially destabilising activities. Electronic Sensors. Ground-based electronic sensor systems, manned or unmanned, can also verify states compliance to agreed restrictions on equipment deployment or troop movements. On-site Inspections. On-site inspections, challenge and routine, can help verify that states are complying with agreements. Inspections may be carried out by third parties, opposing parties, or jointly. Appendix P (Refers to Para 9) STEPS TO CONFIDENCE BUILDING HIGH LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE SECURITY BUILDING MEASURES CONFIDENCE BUILDING MEASURES LOW LOW HIGH PROBABILITY OF CONFLICT TRUST BUILDING MEASURES CONFLICT AVOIDANCE MEASURES CONFLICT RESOLUTION MEASURES

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Restructuring & Downsizing Essay

Human resource management has evolved from a largely administrative and operational role to one that plays an important part in strategic planning. This shift is more evident in its role towards downsizing. The decision to downsize is a decision that requires careful planning and consideration. It is critical to consider the long-term effects that short-term cost cutting measures can bring. Downsizing creates disruptions in the organization’s relationships with customers, suppliers and employees, organization’s structure, culture and climate. As Wayne F. Cascio says â€Å"if you must downsize, do it right, that no class of employee can be disproportionately affected. † Finding the best way to downsize is crucial, because the success of organisations that have downsized in the past has not been particularly laudable. Downsize Decision The downsizing decision is the most demoralizing and stressful aspect of the emerging Human resource managerial role. Downsizing is viewed as having a profound effect on the organization and the personnel including those who are terminated and those who survive. Yet it is the integral part of any workforce management decision. It involves understanding the tangible pitfalls of a reduction in workforce and analyzing the emotional and practical ramifications. Downsizing may occur intentionally as a strategic, proactive response designed to improve organizational effectiveness, increase productivity and cost cutting strategy. This response may involve mergers, acquisitions, sell-offs, or restructuring to better enable the organization to meet its mission or fill an environmental niche. It may involve reduction in personnel through transfers, outplacement, retirement incentives, buyout packages, layoffs, attrition, and so on or may occur in which new products added, new sources of revenue are opened up, etc. It affects work processes. Fewer employees may be left to do the same amount of work and the quality may suffer. Downsizing activities may include discounting functions, abolishing hierarchical levels, merging units, or redesigning tasks. Downsizing can impact financial well-being, health, personal attitudes, and family relationships. Before downsizing HR need to explore possible alternatives such as reducing hours across the board, introducing forced vacation, asking for layoff volunteers, compressed workweek, hiring freeze, and early retirement or implementing other cost-cutting measures. Human resource managers should weigh in on several factors that influence downsizing decisions. They need to identify the specific problems downsizing is expected to solve, consider overall financial health of the company, fiscal operating policies, and industry benchmarks before proceeding, and review all legal implications. Managing Process One key to a successful downsizing plan lies in management’s ability to clearly convey to employees the purpose behind the cost-cutting efforts. Secondly, consider any oral or implied contracts of employment, review employee files, plan for the contingencies, know the stakeholders, clearly define criteria for selection factors on which downsizing decisions will be made. Downsizing may have variety of adverse effects on layoff individuals, survivors and organizations such as loss of morale, distrust, anxiety, feelings of job insecurity, anger, job stress, physical ailments, poor mental health, decreased loyalty, lowered motivation and productivity, increased resistance to change, crisis mentality, politicised special interest groups, occupational violence, lack of teamwork, perception of unfairness, lack of leadership and overall commitment to the organization. Downsizing decision has to be a prudent one because it deals with lives of people. The managers will be faced with a work force at least partly staffed with survivors of downsizing. Providing information regarding the type of severance packages or outplacement benefits will be given to those displaced will alleviate some fears and let those who remain will know that their colleagues are being taken care of. The personnel attribute of downsizing usually involves reductions in personnel. However, downsizing is not limited entirely to personnel reductions. In some downsizing situations new products are added, new sources of revenue opened up, and/or additional work acquired. Even though some people may be added, the overall process results in fewer numbers of workers employed per unit of output as compared to some previous level of employment. Human resources must also position the company to be able to respond quickly and effectively when the economy recovers. The approach taken by the organization to the downsizing process can have an ongoing impact on the company’s reputation with clients and potential future recruits. An inability to recruit critical talent later can mean an inability to rebound, so human resources must provide information openly and promptly to manage perceptions and rumors — both internal and external — about the fairness of any reductions and the need for additional downsizing in the future. Job placement services, employee assistance programs and financial counseling are all services that human resources should consider offering to affected employees. In the aftermath of a mass downsizing, employee morale will undoubtedly be affected. Employers should strive to be as open as possible during the process. Information should not come as a surprise to employees. If the company repeatedly assured workers everything was fine before announcing an unexpected layoff, it will be difficult to regain the trust of the workers who remain. Similarly, if the company focus has always been on meeting the needs of employees and taking active steps to motivate and encourage staff, a forced layoff may actually be more detrimental because it is so contrary to employees’ expectations of the organization. Management and human resources should meet regularly with employees to keep them informed, answer questions and respond to concerns. Any downsizing of the workforce is likely to result in the loss of key knowledge and critical skills. In the case of a voluntary separation program or early retirement initiative, Because turnover increases in the wake of a layoff, human resources must connect with key workers to outline their importance to the organization and provide information about how the company plans to recover. HR should also detail future career opportunities that can be realized by remaining with the business. Clear documentation, particularly regarding the layoff process itself, is important. Therefore it is vital that HR management weigh the relative costs and benefits against the negative impact downsizing has on employees and identify hazards, undertake risk assessment, consult with employee representatives, pursue compliance with legislative duties and take appropriate steps to manage any significant hazards that are identified, including psychosocial hazards. Downsizing refers to activities undertaken by management to improve the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of the organization by reducing the workforce size. Implications of Organisational Restructuring to HR Planning Restructuring: A Perspective Organizations and businesses today are faced with increased demands to become leaner due to global competition and rapid technology change. Many organizations have responded by corporate restructuring and downsizing or streamlining their operations and often outsourcing many functions originally assigned to permanent employees. Restructuring can lead to changes of ownership, radical changes in the internal management structure, mergers, acquisitions and significant downsizing or hiring trends. Internal factors can also include the addition or removal of a major product or service, addition or loss of a major client or the restructuring of departments. Restructuring is not a quick fix. Before restructuring we need to spell out the expectations and objectives and effectively communicate with the all the stakeholders to improve organization’s ability to move through change effectively. Restructuring is a formal system of re-aligning tasks and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, communicates, decides and motivates employees so that they cooperate to achieve an organization’s goals. Restructuring may be carried out to expand and create new departments to serve growing markets or to downsize or eliminate departments to conserve overhead. Depending on the size of the organisation and type of business one may adopt a flat or tall structure and model it according to functional, divisional (product, market or geographic) or adaptive lines. Implications of Organisational Restructuring to HR Planning In the event of restructuring HR planning becomes critical because HR is typically responsible for handling all aspects of an organization’s restructuring. HR departments provide or support announcements to employees regarding restructuring. HR is typically present when employees are informed of layoffs or permanent downsizing related to restructuring. Changes in employment policies, organizational structure, workforce, and location and job descriptions are announced to employees by human resources and management. HR also calculates changes in compensation and benefits resulting from reorganization. Organizations rely on human resources to provide a smooth transition during restructuring while retaining desired employees and integrating new employees into the new organizational plan. Restructuring leads to a new organization chart and HR need to reassess and alter their existing roles and responsibilities to better reflect the dynamics of the shifting workplace environment. HR departments also fulfil staffing recruitment needs including preparing job descriptions, posting and publishing available jobs, screening and interviewing candidates for employment and integrating new staff members into their assigned work areas. HR will often be called on to act in an advisory capacity salary ranges and often making changes to benefits, profit-sharing and other corporate perks. HR also institute training and educational programs and seminars and assist employees with transitions in and out of positions and in and out of the company. It may provide information, updates and job seeking resources for employees displaced from their jobs due to restructuring. HR departments are responsible for researching, recommending and implanting employee retention strategies during restructuring. Restructuring brings in changes to corporate cultures, which directly affects employees and may result in loss of identity, shrinkage in compensation, distrust, stress and conflict. HR has to ensure the internal processes accommodate the changes and the communication base is prepared to sensitize the various stakeholders.

Friday, January 10, 2020

New Ideas Into Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics Never Before Revealed Details of Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics Make certain your introduction provides the response to the question. This portion of the thematic essay needs you to receive patient and pay much attention to every paragraph. A standard essay is created of 5 paragraphs. In writing your essays, use particular examples to back up your answer. For example, compare and contrast essay is quite popular and it's tough to compose it. In addition, the witch-hunt of McCarthyism would be helpful to understand. As you pick a topic, consider how well it is possible to make certain arguments. The only issue is you should find out how to compose a thematic essay. Make certain that all questions were answered. Even in the event the essay's questions seem unrelated, it is necessary to draw a parallel. The Fundamentals of Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics Revealed Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. The next point to discuss is the best way to compose a thematic essay. There are a few important strategies for writing the sat essay that you must keep in counter-argument preferably in your conclusion just you shouldn't. A superb essay is always based on its conclusion and if you aren't able to compose the exact same for your thematic essay all of your hard work will be in the rubbish bin. It's vital that students understand precisely what they are anticipated to write about in the essay. Writing a high school essay if you've got the tips about how to do essay effectively. High school essays are structured very similarly no matter the topic and superior essay structure will enable you to write an obvious essay that flows from 1 paragraph to the next. The True Meaning of Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics In case, you feel that it's impossible to compose your thematic essay in time or you're not sure you're writing it properly use our help. Now you know how to ease your work in regards to writing a thematic essay, it's time to determine how it is possible to write one fast. Firstly, it must be noted that each bit of writing should serve a specific intent. It's probably clear to each student that each bit of academic writing has a goal. Imagine you must compose a worldwide regents thematic essay and you have 3 days available. It would be best to compose a draft. Your very first draft will incorporate all the essay's vital info but might need minor revisions to guarantee the maximum quality of writing. For any essay, acquiring a prewritten draft is extremely important. After that, read the question so that you understand specifically what's being asked. In case you have any doubts don't hesitate to contact When in doubt look for the most regularly brought up talking point, and you'll get the gist of the essay. What You Must Know About Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics It is simple for the writer to become lost in the huge sea of unique subjects and that's why finding the most meaningful and impactful one can be challenging. As the main purpose of a thematic essay prompt is to produce the student respond to the particular questions, so give your solution at the end! In general, it is nothing more than an outline of the main points. Commonly, it is associated with social problems in different periods of human civiliza tion. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics Taking notes though you go over it's always advisable as it will allow you to paint a clearer picture of a message. The fundamentals of An Essay The general thematic essay definition is that it's a kind of report which goes beyond just listing facts on a specific topic. Whenever you have the info, you've got to organize it. No Bull, you must have plenty of outside details. Key Pieces of Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics You may also find many discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Again, the best method to acquire exceptional worldwide regents thematic essay topics is to ask for fast assistance from an academic writing company. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. You have to spend a certain sum of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet to be able to locate some helpful data for your academic paper. The Most Popular Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics For example, you will need an outline. There is a good number of topics that may be utilized to compose impressive parts of academic writing. You are able to find out here more details on what you could escape from your thematic essay structure whilst using a topic you are able to become behind. Another thing to keep in mind is the value of employing a literary device. What Everybody Dislikes About Us Regents Thematic Essay Topics and Why Naturally, it is extremely important to discover some excellent US history thematic essay topics. It's possible to use this kind of essay to discover themes regarding a specific subject of interest to you. A theme essay needs to be persuasive and simple to read, that's why choice of an intriguing topic is vitally important. Writing an effective essay demands careful attention to detail and capacity to organize your thoughts about the principal subject of your research.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Psalm 127 Essay - 2459 Words

Psalm 127 Psalm 127 is a very interesting Psalm with a message that is extremely apt considering the events of our current day. There is a general consensus that the overall purpose of Psalm 127 is to illustrate the complete futility of relying solely on our human efforts to accomplish anything meaningful and enduring. Whether we are building a skyscraper or a building a family, if God is not the foundation of those efforts, we will fail. Anyone who watched the World Trade Center crumble into an ashen heap within mere hours can surely appreciate the wisdom of this Wisdom Psalm. Still, the interpretation of the Psalm is not without controversy. One†¦show more content†¦For instance, Gaebelein and Polcyn argue that while the psalm is separated into two distinct themes, these themes are inter-related through contrast. Ââ€Å"The first strophe teaches the lesson of divine sovereignty over human enterprise by way of warning agai nst self-sufficiency. It pursues a negative course until it reaches a rhetorical climax of direct address in v 2a. It ends on a positive note, which is developed in the second strophe in terms of praise of God and commendation.† Verses 1 and 2 teach the wisdom of a Christ-centered life by showing the futility and anxiety of life without GodÂ’s blessing. By contrast, verses 3 to 5 show the blessings of a God-centered life and encourage the godly to trust in the Lord in all matters of life. A. A. Anderson would agree in seeing the Psalm as a unified piece. Anderson, noting the tendency to impose arbitrary divisions, quotes G.W. Anderson, saying, Ââ€Å"the desire to separate the two parts is simply a manifestation of the occupational disease of commentators.† Rather than forcing a dissection of the two parts, it seems the better view to read the psalm as a unified whole. As Estes observes, both thematic logic and literary structureShow MoreRelated A Group Of Palestinian Jewish People During The Era Between 323-63 B.c1072 Words   |  5 Pagesnon-canonized documents that were later found and referred to as the â€Å"Dead Sea Scrolls† (pp. 98-99). However, this finding helps academics learn more about how this group used the Psalms. I am intrigued that through all of the persecution this community endured, they still involved themselves in the Thanksgiving Psalms. The biblical Psalms had deep influence on some fresh hymns composed within the community: the so-called Thanksgiving Hymns† (pp. 106). This indeed portrays the deep spirituality and Godly disciplineRead MoreMy Life Of A Christian Home849 Words   |  4 Pagesin the house of God, than dwell in the tent of the wicked. 1. My favorite Psalm: I have several that are favorite that correlate with certain stages of my life: Psalm 127: as a young father I prayed this psalm at the birth of youngest daughter who is named Psalm, God answered my prayer after known complication of the birth being life threatening. In giving honor and thanks to God I chose to name her after the book Psalm; Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is hisRead MoreMurderous Crys for Help1244 Words   |  5 Pagesnot be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.†(Psalm 127:3-5) Children are a blessing, a source of happiness and joy to their parents. That being said, if you are Christian and believe in the father, how could you not take his words as truth? How could you automatically assume that the child would bring you pain and suffering? â€Å"Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward (Psalm 127:3). 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Select texts: †¢ Psalm 22:9-10; 71:7 – God cares for us from before birth. †¢ Psalm 113:1-9 – God is able to reverse the condition of barrenness. †¢ Psalm 127:3-5 – God gives children as a reward and blessing. †¢ Psalm 139:13-16 – God nurtures and sustains life in the womb. Main point: A look at selected Psalms shows that God cares for and nurtures pre-born life, gives children asRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life Or Pro Choice1040 Words   |  5 Pagesstate how God loved humans enough to give up His own Son so humans can have a right relationship with Him. Jesus also talks about how humans are valuable to the Father in Matthew 10:31. God values all life and this includes the life of the unborn. In Psalm 139, David praises God for seeing him in His motherâ€℠¢s womb and ordaining all his days. God is the one who forms the baby in the womb. He does so in great detail and care, knitting together each baby in their mother’s womb. 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(Psalms 127:1) Romance in marriage is using well-spoken words, and nothing can quench the fires of love like ill spoken words. â€Å"A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.†(Proverbs 15:1) USING THE POWER OF WORDS THROUGH GOD S WORD PleaseRead MoreObservation Of A Young Child In Their Natural Setting.989 Words   |  4 PagesChildren can bring joy and laughter and resemble characteristics of Jesus in their purest form. Children can be humble, sensitive, and take joy in the smallest things in life. The Bible places a significant focus on the importance of children in Psalms. Psalms 127:3-5 states, â€Å"Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they